Top Up Kits

These easy-to-store top up kits have the added advantage of being portable and reusable. They are small enough to be carried with you on the go, and placed inside a backpack, or car. Levtrade Wound Kits cover the 4 main aspects of first aid: Cuts, Grazes, Minor Burns...

Holiday rentals – do you cover all your guests needs?

Most travel and leisure hosts think about the comfort of their guests. What about their safety? Comfort is essential, but it is vital to keep your unit safe as well. Equip your holiday rental home with a first-aid kit. Any guest that travels locally or abroad will...

The Emergency First Aid Kit and Safety on the Road

In proud partnership with we strive to educate the public on emergency first aid kits and safety on roads. We should always do our best to be prepared to respond to any emergency situation. Even though some may not be trained medical professionals...

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